Acne Treatments Obagi Clenziderm & Kleresca®


At some time is our lives we all suffer from the odd spot or pimple and an estimated 80% of people between the ages of 11 and 30 will have acne outbreaks at some point.

Hormonal changes, stress and genetics all have an effect on our skin.

Acne is not a serious health threat but at The Fresh Skin Clinic we do understand that it can make someones life a misery.

At Fresh Skin Clinic we are able to prescribe a variety of treatments to help treat your active acne and any residual scaring.

Over the years we have helped many clients to gain control over their acne and to regain their confidence about their skin. Read our testimonials.

Please contact us to book in for your confidential free skin assessment and consultation.

Ask us about Obagi Clenziderm.

OBAGI MEDICAL skincare systems deliver effective treatments for skin conditions such as:
  • ACNE

Following a detailed skin assessment and consultation a prescribed skin care system may be recommended in order to deliver effective results at a cellular level within the skin.

Want to know more about skin peels?

A Chemical Peel is a minimally invasive procedure that helps improve the appearance of the skin. During the treatment your practitioner applies combinations of powerful solutions to the skin to remove dead skin cells. The new skin is left smoother and more refined looking.

There are many types of chemical peel preparations and the right preparation depends on your skin type and the results desired.

Light or superficial chemical peels usually consist of alpha and beta hydroxy acids such as glycolic, lactic, or salicylic acid that are combined to improve the appearance of acne & scaring.

Feel free to call us or email us to discuss all your options regarding acne treatments.

Fresh Skin Clinic offers the revolutionary Kleresca® Acne Treatment.

Acne is painful enough – the treatment shouldn’t be.

Kleresca® Acne Treatment harnesses the power of biophotonics to safely treat your acne and stimulate the tissue’s own repair systems.
For most patients, there are noticeable improvements to the skin as the deeper layers respond and the skin’s own repairing systems are activated during the course of the treatment.

Kleresca® Acne Treatment offers high efficacy for acne vulgaris, even severe cases. The treatment has shown high safety with no serious adverse events reported and is seen as a pleasant and comfortable experience.

Watch the film below to see Amanda’s experience with Kleresca® Acne Treatment. She has been struggling with acne ever since her teen years, but the problem became even more obvious once she started working in London’s fashion industry, where appearance and social interaction are vital. She shares her personal challenges of living with acne, but also the step-by-step Kleresca® treatment procedure, which helped her on the journey to healthy skin.

Feel free to call us or email us to discuss all your options regarding acne treatments.